I like to keep a couple different brands of shampoo and conditioner around too mix it up. Am I the only one who gets bored using the same bottle of shampoo for months!? I always try new products, but there is a select few I constantly keep in my rotation. One of those being Pureology's Hydrate shampoo and conditioner. Also at the moment, I have a bottle of Bed Head's Urban Anti+Dotes Recovery Conditioner, Damage Level 2. Sounds pretty fancy, eh?
Purology's packaging is simple and nothing outstanding too look at. It simply states it is for "Dry, Color-Treated Hair", and has "100% Vegan Ingredients".
Bed Head's packaging on the other hand, is bright blue, and says a lot of things like "Turbo Moisture Molecules Boost Softness & Shine". Woohoo! Right? I want turbo moisture molecules boosting my hair!
Ok, but really, that is kind of a pet peeve of mine. Being a cosmetologist, I want to know exactly what it is in the product that is beneficial to my hair. I want to know the scientific reason those molecules are moisturizing my hair and not just that they are going to lead to an "All Night Moisture Party!" Although, my hair would probably be having a blast at a party like that.
A huge plus, Bed Head smells soooo good! So so Good! I use a shine spray of their's not because I feel like it works, but because it just makes my hair smell so dang good!
Looking at the back of the Bed Head label, the ingredients are full of Sulfates, Chlorides, Fragrances, and Coloring, that I don't really know what they do/aren't very good for your hair, with a few good things tucked in there, I think....
Pureology's ingredients have a couple icky sounding things too, lets be fair, but, there is also a ton of good. Vegetable protein to repair hair, and a ton of natural oils like Soybean, and Sunflower oil to moisturize.
The Pureology conditioner has that amazing minty, menthol smell, which just might be the only thing they are commonly known for.
Who doesn't know about Bed Head's products? They're marketing is great, they have a good price point, and they smell SO GOOD! Their products are fun, "have a sense of humor", and they work pretty decently. I would say they have their branding down to a t!
Pureology is less well known, and have a smaller target audience. Plus their price point is higher, so there's that. You pay for what you get though. That Hydrate shampoo and conditioner makes your hair feel amazing, and leaves your scalp tingling and clean!
When it comes down to it, as an experienced Stylist I recommend Pureology Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner to almost all of my clients here in dry Utah. I recommend it because i know it is going to make their hair feel amazing, and I know why it is going to make their hair feel so great.
Bed Head, sure you look fun, you smell good, and you work ok, but there are so many better products out there!
Just imagine if Pureology's products, used Bed Head's super-amped up Branding!
So next time you are in the market to buy shampoo and conditioner, think first why you are really buying it, and what exactly it is that you find important in a product, maybe your hair is dry and needs that moisture bad, or maybe you just want it to smell good. It is up to you, but always remember branding, and how looks can be deceiving!
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